GLOBAL HALTECH Partnering With FCBIOS to Organize HALAL Science Awarenss Talk Supported by JAKIM

Global Haltech has successfully organized “Halal Science Awareness Talk Program” on the 3rd of October 2018. Halal Science Awareness Program is a program that focuses on educating and instilling awareness on the fundamental principles of science and Halal and the significance of Halal Science throughout the Halal supply chain, from food, pharmaceutical, cosmetic, and logistic industry sectors to ensure the integrity of the Malaysia Halal certification within the industry. This program also emphasised on the importance of utilizing a Halal media in the laboratory in order to fulfil the Halal certification requirements within the whole supply chain.


This half-day course was held in Dewan Seminar Al-Bayyinah, Block B, JAKIM and joined by 70 participants from various industries including food, pharmaceutical, cosmetic, and laboratories. The program was organized by Global Haltech Sdn Bhd in collaboration with FC Bios Sdn Bhd with the support from Halal Hub JAKIM. The program was conducted in three (3) sessions. The first session was delivered by Ustaz Mohd. Amri B. Abdullah, Assistant Director of Halal Hub, JAKIM on the title, “Usage of Halal Ingredients in the Industry”. The second session was on Halal Science, “Halal Science: The Application in Industry” was delivered by Mrs Hardiyanti Nirwan Ben, Chief Technical Officer of Global Haltech and the last session was delivered by Mrs Kimberly Lim, Manager of Application Support from FCBIOS on “Halal Media: The Significance in the Halal Supply Chain”.


“ The comparison between halal & haram has been clearly defined in this program with detailed explanation on the application of halal and science” . All of our participants recommended the program to others based on the feedback given. Thanks to all our supporters and hope to see you again in our next program!


Picture 1: Registration session.


Picture 2: First session with Ustaz Mohd Amri B. Abdullah from Halal Hub JAKIM – Usage of Halal Ingredients in Industry.


Picture 3: Second session with Mrs Hardiyanti from Global Haltech – Halal Science: The
Application in Industry


Picture 4: Third session with Mrs Kimberly from FC Bios – Halal Media: The Significant in
Halal Supply Chain


Picture 5: Participant asking question at Global Haltech booth.


Picture 6: Global Haltech strong team.